Due to the overwhelming demand for more information on the legal database & scrapers post sent out 11/19, contact information and steps for proper reporting for the legal databases we used as reference are included below.
The database is provided along with links to their terms of use and contact pages. Keep in mind that the following databases are only those that we are aware of and used for research purposes, it is not exhaustive.
WestLaw - Contact - Terms of Use
When contacting WestLaw, you will need to be an existing customer to report a violation; ironically, they're also a big sponsor of NASP (National Association of Settlement Purchasers, the big factoring companies). In all of our attempts, they were the most difficult for us in terms of filing complaints or reporting a violation. Contact their customer service and follow prompts.
LexisNexis - Contact - Terms of Use
LexisNexis is the easiest to deal with. Call their customer service line,
1-800-543-6862, and request their legal department. You will reach someone who will pass your concern to the powers that be. Give them the message.
Bloomberg - Contact - Term of Service
Bloomberg's legal help desk is very straight forward. You give them your complaint and they pass it along. Call
1-888-560-2529. For something in-depth, you can e-mail them at help@bloomberglaw.com.
If you, too, are concerned with the constant harassment that most settlement recipients are subjected to, even when they haven't sold some or all of their structured settlement before, then please contact the above service providers, along with those of your choice, to demand that these service providers enforce their terms of use. Court scraping is harassment. End it.
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